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Beautiful property developments through innovative co-investment.

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We are strategically partnered with South Africa’s largest and highly-awarded private property developer, FWJK Developments, to bring an exclusive pipeline of incredible real estate co-development opportunities to sophisticated investors worldwide.

Over R4.6 billion of real estate
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Your Winning Team

Profitable. Adventures. Together.

We specialize in real estate developments across South Africa.

Our specialty is real estate developments that catalyze high-growth returns for our global investors through tax-efficient capital gains & high-yield investment income, including dividends, interest, and rental incomes.

Our Business

Managing competitive private equity funds

We strive to deliver consistent and competitive returns to our investors through deep insights acquired from trusted relationships, local expertise, on-the-ground knowledge & project monitoring, and deep sector expertise within a culture of active ownership and emerging management.

Our Strategy

Investing in real estate development projects

Our competitive intelligence and rich deal flow derive from nurturing close relationships on the ground in our target regions. We match this local insight with a US-Africa focused funding model, which helps us deliver excellent tax-efficient results globally for diversified portfolios.

Our Focus

Inspiring new ways of co-investment in South Africa

We invest in opportunistic medium- to high-rise real estate development projects in high-growth regions through strategic joint ventures, at-cost co-developments, and targeted Economic Development Zones (EDZ’s).

Prospering. Together.

Big things happen when you co-invest.

We help you deliver on your investment goals, whether you're looking for big gains over the long-haul or steady income on a regular basis.

Passive income
Wealth building
Financial freedom
Millions of reasons more!
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Inside access

Inside the Market

What South Africa’s G20 Global Status Means for Business

The Group of Twenty, known commonly as G20, is the most important international forum for economic cooperation. In total, 19 of the world’s leading industrialised and emerging economies plus the European Union comprise the G20, including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey, United Kingdom, and the United States.

Inside the Market

The Secrets Behind Cape Town's Rich Economy

Cape Town is an economic force to be reckoned with, boasting a rapidly growing labor force that’s driving property developments and skyrocketing rental rates. A variety of companies are headquartered here, representing a diverse array of industries that span everything from petrochemical companies to fashion designers.

Inside Strategies

5 Benefits of International Diversification

As savvy goal-based investors know, diversification is one of the keys to long-term portfolio success. We all know that it’s unwise to keep all our eggs in one basket, which is one reason investors often turn to alternative investments such as private equity real estate or venture capital to balance their portfolio and hedge the risk of more common investments such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Yet there are more ways to think of diversification than simply the industry or type of fund you’re investing in.

Inside Real Estate

7 Intriguing Real Estate Trends for South Africa in 2019

As your go-to source for information on South Africa’s growing economy and real estate markets, we thought it was important to share seven key real estate trends that savvy investors should look for in 2019.

Inside Private Equity

South African Economic Stimulus Plan Is Great News for Investors

Cyril Ramaphosa was elected President of South Africa, inspiring confidence and optimism that rippled across the globe. Ramaphosa’s predecessor, Jacob Zuma, had been dogged by allegations of corruption and scandal throughout his almost decade-long reign as President, and the country was overjoyed to be free from the grasp of his wayward policies.

Inside the Market

Why Fortune 500 Companies Need Johannesburg to Crack the African Market

Picture a vast cityscape punctuated by thousands of buildings and looming skyscrapers as far as the eye can see. No, this isn’t Hong Kong or New York—we’re talking about Johannesburg, the primary economic and financial hub for South Africa. Home to many of your favorite brands, this landlocked city remains the first pick for businesses looking to break into the African market.

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